So, you brought home a batch of baby chicks and now you’re ready for the fun to begin?!
One of the MOST fun things about getting new chicks is naming them!
We’ve always gotten a kick out of giving our chickens funny names, life is too short not to chuckle every time you’re hanging out with your chickens. Or should I say, cluckle?
That’s right, this list is all about punny chicken names!
Whether you’re inspired by famous people, popular landmarks, delicious food, or the beauty of nature, we’ve got you covered.
So let’s dive into the colorful world of punny chicken names!
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Punny Chicken Names Inspired by Famous People & Characters
I’m picturing a flock full of chickens with names like Feather Locklear and Eggbert Einstein and just chuckling to myself.
Your chickens may not be famous (yet!) but they can still sport famous names!
Match these names to the most outrageous chickens in your flock for a whole lotta fun!
- Amelia Egghart
- Cluck Kent
- Chick Jagger
- Chickquille O’Neal
- Chickira
- Cluckleberry Finn
- Cluck Norris
- Eggbert Einstein
- Eggatha Christie
- Eggward Norton
- Eggamemnon
- Egg Sheeran
- Feather Fawcett
- Feather Locklear
- Goldie Hen
- Heidi Plume
- Hen Solo
- Henneth Paltrow
- Henjamin Button
- Hennifer Aniston
- Oprah Henfrey
- Peckachu
- Peter Pecker
- Princess Laya
- Punky Rooster
- Roo Hefner
- Vera Wing

Punny chicken names inspired by Movies and TV
If you love nothing more than cozying up on the couch with a big bowl full of popcorn and binge watching some Netflix, you’ll get a kick out of this next section!
And hey, why not cuddle up with your chicks next time you watch some flicks? You can enjoy some chick flicks together!
- Beak to the Future
- Beak Panther
- Cluckzilla
- Chickelodeon
- Chick-flicks
- Cluck Dynasty
- Eggsorcist
- Eggward Scissorbeak
- ET the Eggstra-terrestrial
- Harry Pecker
- Hen-ception
- Jurassic Peck
- Lord of the Roost
- Mandalori-hen
- Pecky Blinders
- Poultrygeist
- Stranger Wings
- The Godfeather

Punny chicken names inspired by food
Who doesn’t love food? We sure do, as do our chickens! We named the first chickens we ever got after food, we had Taco, Divan (Dee Dee) and Nugget.
We loved those hens so very much and definitely chuckled to ourselves everytime we called them in from the yard.
If you want to add a touch of joy to your life, don’t hesitate to name your next chickens punny food names!
- Bawk-choy
- Bawklava
- Bawk-oli
- Dr. Pecker
- Eggo
- Egg-damame
- Chick Fil-a
- Chickpea
- Chick-o-let
- Cluckbucks
- Cluck-a-Cola
- Colonel custard
- Cordon Bleu
- Egg spresso
- Fowl-afel
- Henchovy
- Henchilada
- Hennana Bread
- Nugget
- Omelette
- Peckles
- Sushi
- Scramble

Punny Chicken Names based on popular places
Love to travel? Have crazy wanderlust? This list is for you!
Name your chickens after your favorite places and you’ll be sure to smile every time you see them.
Also, how fun would it be to have a hen named Henver and her chick named Nugget? It’s just too perfect! Someone please do this and report back in the comments with photos!
- Beaklyn Bridge
- Cape Cluck
- Chickcago
- Clucken-hagen
- Eggypt
- Eggland
- Galapagoose (okay this is for a goose, but we couldn’t resist)
- Henmark
- Henver
- Henver Nuggets
- Hennsylvania
- New York Chicky
- New Yolk City
- Ok-cluck-homa

Punny Chicken Names based on Things
This list could go on and on, there are so many fun things to pick from to turn into punny chicken names!
I, for one, can’t wait to have a chicken named Eggloo, it might just be my favorite chicken name ever!
- Bawkpack
- Beakfast
- Chickadee
- Chickory
- Chickweed
- Clucktail
- Cluckulator
- Eggloo
- Eggnigma
- Eggplant
- Henny Penny
- Henvelope
- Henwood

Picking chicken names is easily one of the most fun parts of raising them. I hope this list of funny, punny chicken names has helped you to find the perfect names for every member of your flock.
Please do let me know what chicken names you picked for your chickies, puns or not, I’d love to hear them!
Leave a comment below, I’d love to chat with you!
More Awesome Chicken Name Lists:
50 Chicken Names Inspired by Food