Looking for options for your first chicken coop? Or are you completely overwhelmed at the idea of building your own? Hey, I hear ya. I’ve been there. These chicken coop kits might be just what you’re looking for! Take it from someone with ZERO building skills, there’s no shame in purchasing a chicken coop kit …
Don’t risk losing your backyard chickens to predators! Keep your hens safe with these 24 features you’ll find on a predator-proof chicken coop. One of the biggest mistakes you can make while keeping a flock of backyard chickens is to not provide them adequate predator protection. You must have a safe, predator-proof chicken coop. It can …
Making a choice on chicken bedding (also known as litter) is one of the most hotly debated topics in chicken keeping. Every chicken keeper has their top choice and stand firmly behind their decision. While it’s a little strange that people get so up-in-arms over what they choose for their chickens to poop all over, …
We here at Backyard Chicken Project have been encouraging people to use the deep litter method in their chicken coop for years. This method is simply the best chicken coop bedding solution! Deep litter bedding is clean, healthy for your flock, and a lot less work for you. There’s really no reason not to do …
With the crazy and amazing rise of backyard chicken keeping comes the inevitable rise of incredible chicken coop decor. Some might find it silly to decorate a space occupied by chickens, but we think it’s just plain fun. If you haven’t yet taken the plunge into hanging some chicken coop signs, this one’s for you! …
We’ve gathered up our top ten favorite drool worthy chicken coop ideas to share with you today. The chickens who get to call these coops home are very lucky ladies, indeed! When it comes to ideas for your chicken coop, variety is the name of the game. Or is it variety is the spice of …