Roosters. You just never know what you’re going to get. They can be sweet, they can be sassy, and they can be downright mean. A mean rooster can cause a lot of issues on the homestead.
They attack and cause harm to anyone who gets in their way. Now, this can be a great quality for flock protection from predators, but when it comes to you, or your children, it’s another story.
Even roosters that have been lovingly cuddled from a young age can end up as mean roosters. Their true personalities start to shine through after they’ve reached sexual maturity.
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We are hesitant to say outright that there are breeds that ALWAYS produce an aggressive rooster because it just isn’t so.
However, when that little rooster grows up, some breeds have had their share of peck-your-eye-out roosters that might be good to avoid for first-time flock owners.
Let’s take a look at a few:
American Gamefowl
These breeds are pure survivalists, foraging, and protecting against predators has the roosters in fight mode. Although beautiful to look at with vibrant feathers and colors, the ornamental breed has a long history of combative behavior.
The roosters known as stags will fight to the death. Therefore It is recommended that as soon as the stag reaches maturity to separate them from the flock.
American Gamefowl owners purpose them for an ornamental show bird due to its stunning and dramatic coloring and plumage.
The Maylay breed of chicken is one of great heritage among chicken breeds, starting in Southeast Asia and recognized by the American Poultry Association in 1904. Although the first breed to become a bantam, the standard Maylay stands around three feet tall and weighs close to twenty pounds.
Maylay’s are very aggressive and love to fight, and unfortunately, the females of this breed are just as hostile.
With such a large body and the ability to fly short distances, their mode of attack can be a flying one and is very dangerous for small children and other pets.

The Oriental Gamefowl breed is also prone to fighting, and the Aseel is no slouch. Developed in India and Pakistan for combative purposes, the size and shape of their body lend toward the battle mentality.
Even as chicks Aseel’s will begin to spar to the point of hurting other chicks, but they are not aggressive towards their owners. They tend to save the fighting for each other.
Fiercely protective of their young, an Aseel rooster can fight off a snake or other predator threatening their offspring.
The Sumatran rooster is not well-built for fighting but was used in Indonesia and Borneo for just such a reason due to their intense territorial nature.
The stunning plumage of a Sumatra and three spurs on each leg were why they were crossbred to produce an even more intensive fighting breed.
Their ability to launch themselves forward to attack predators makes them especially dangerous to humans and other birds.
As we have shared, there can be a bad egg of a rooster no matter which breeds if you need help in dealing with an aggressive rooster check out How to Handle an Aggressive Rooster in Your Flock.
To find a complete listing of chickens and their traits, you can find more information at Chicken Breed Chart to Help Choose Your Chicken from Michigan State’s College of Ag and Natural Resources.
Do you have any stories about a mean rooster from your flock?
Sunday 9th of August 2020
I have a Autralorp rooster that will always try and attack me. I also have to carry a stick. Once he made me bleed so I snatched him up and threw him out of the coop for a whole day. Didn’t help but made me feel better lol
Friday 19th of June 2020
I have a barred rock rooster that I have to carry a stick at all times or he could come at me. I have tried to make him realize he is boss of hens but I am boss of all. No matter what I have to have my stick.
Beverly Ray
Monday 27th of February 2017
I've signed up with you already. I would like to read about bad roosters, but then you tease me into it, and want me to sign up again. You offer information and then don't give it. What is this?
Meredith Skyer
Monday 27th of February 2017
Beverly, I'm sorry you received more than one sign up request, it's only supposed to ask you to sign up once, I'm going to look into this. Our website often shares articles from other great chicken keepers, this is one of them. All you need to do to see the entire article is click the link right after "read more here." We love to share great articles with our readers when we find them. Sorry for the confusion!