Our first experiences with roosters was a tad on the shocking side. You see, we didn’t know a thing about roosters, except what we’d seen on cartoons as kids.
These cartoons taught us that roosters only crow once per day, in the early morning. They showed us that all roosters are excessively aggressive toward every living thing. They led us to believe that roosters had to be around in order for hens to lay eggs. For better or worse, all of these myths are completely untrue.
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Let’s start with the good news. Hens don’t need a rooster around in order to lay an egg. Hens go through the reproductive cycle of producing an egg almost every day, whether a male is around or not.
The rooster is only necessary if the eggs need to be fertilized to produce chicks. If you’re raising hens in order to eat their eggs, you certainly won’t need fertile eggs.
If you’re raising chickens in the city…
The vast majority of cities don’t allow roosters, but even if your city does allow roosters, I don’t suggest getting one. To do so would put a big rift between you and your neighbors that may not be easy to mend.
You see, that myth that roosters only crow with the rising sun is utterly untrue.
Roosters crow all day long, from sun up to sun down. Imagine how annoying it would be if your neighbor got a dog that barked outside all day long.
Even though you may love dogs, and your neighbors may love chickens, no one wants to hear endless annoying sounds every single day.
During our first year of raising chickens a friend gave us three of her young chickens to raise over the winter. We called them our foster birds.
After several months with our new foster birds, we noticed one of them, named Francesca, was beginning to look a bit on the masculine side. She was growing much larger than her sisters, with big thick legs and an extra large comb.

We were in denial for a long time.
“Hmm, maybe she’s just big boned!“
“Perhaps she was bred with an exceptionally large breed!”
“Could it be she’s just a little different?”
One day I caught Francesca in the act of mounting her own sister and performing unspeakable acts upon her. I looked on in horror.
A few days later, Francesca started crowing. I was unable to deny the truth any longer. Francesca had turned into Frank.
We were unexpectedly strapped with a rooster and had to very quickly deal with the situation. Just in case this happens to you, we’ll give you some options to deal with it.

What if I end up with a rooster?
There are a lot of reasons you may accidentally end up with a rooster. When you purchase chicks from a hatchery or a farm store, there are two options for chicks. You can buy them straight run or sexed.
Straight run chicks haven’t been separated by gender and you’ll end up with hens and roosters in your flock. Sexed means that employees have separated the chicks by gender and you can choose to purchase females only.
Unfortunately, the sexing system isn’t completely error proof and there is a chance you’ll get a rooster anyway.
Like us, it may take you a long time to realize there’s a rooster in your midst. Most chickens reach sexual maturity at six to eight months old, this is when hens start laying eggs and roosters start crowing.
If, like us, you happen to end up with a rooster, there are a few options to consider.

Return it:
Some farms and farm stores will buy back or take back roosters if you end up with one, especially if they’re the ones who improperly sexed them.
Our local chick supplier will buy back roosters for $7, butcher them, and sell the meat. Some feed stores will do the same, but don’t count on it as your only option if you end up with a rooster.
Sell or trade it:
This is another reason it’s a good idea to join a local chicken community. If you have a bird you don’t want, someone else might, and they’re really easy to find through chicken groups.
Putting up a flier at the local farm store might garner some interest as well.
Another option for selling roosters is to post them to an online sales site such as Craigslist.
We know of many friends who have successfully found a good home for their rooster through Craigslist. One of our family members had to give up his rooster and managed to trade him on Craigslist for a couple of adorable ducklings!

Find a new home:
If you can’t manage to sell or trade the rooster, you may have some luck with giving him away. You may find a nice family that is just dying to add a beautiful rooster to their flock.
Butcher it:
Your last option is to butcher the bird and have yourself a chicken dinner. Some may find this option horrifying, especially if raising the chickens as purely pets. Even so, culling and butchering is a good skill to know, and comes in handy if a bird gets sick or injured and needs to be put down.
You can either do it yourself, or hire it out.
There are many butchers and farmers who will charge a fee to cull birds for you. If you choose to do it yourself, we recommend reading lots of books and blogs, watching YouTube videos, and/or calling in an experienced chicken raiser to help you with this process.
There’s nothing like having the help of a calm and qualified person on a job such as this.
No matter which option you choose, saying goodbye to a rooster can be tough, especially if you’ve raised the little guy from a tiny chick.
We’ve found roosters to be especially loving and cuddly. It’s sad that we can’t keep them in the city, but we’re so glad that we can keep a flock of hens!
Andrea Ramirez
Saturday 13th of May 2023
I am in desperate need to get rid of my rooster and I don’t know how to sell it and none of these options are helping me! he’s not aggressive or anything he’s just young and already started to crow and I’m not allowed to keep roosters in my neighborhood! Please help!
Kathy monteith
Thursday 12th of January 2023
I have 20 roosters give them away free
Pam koehler
Tuesday 5th of April 2022
I had 2 roosters in my flock. All was good until the one rooster became mean. Attacking me and fighting with the other rooster who is sweet yesterday 5he two roosters were in a fight 5he mean rooster killed the nice rooster I am devastated the nice rooster was hatched at my mini farm . I miss himWhat can I do with 5he mean rooster. Should I feel bad if I need to hav3 this rooster put down.
Monday 11th of April 2022
No you don't need to feel bad about putting down an aggressive rooster. Sometimes that behavior can't be changed, and re-homing isn't an option as it would just add aggression to another flock. Sometimes putting the bird down is the only option.
Saturday 6th of November 2021
We came home from Tractor supply with 4 pellits and they were all supposed to be girls 4 months later we realized we have 3 Roosters and 1 hen.In the suburbs. must rehome the boys at a loss
Shayna Rose Feldman
Monday 26th of July 2021
We raised 2 chickens in our apartment for a couple months and they turned into rooster. Our beautiful Esther and Reginald. We gave them to a family down the street with lots of chickens, chicks, goats and pigs. Its hard in my heart, knowing i can't snuggle or hold them in my lap or sing them to sleep in their doggy bed anymore. But they are very happy with beautiful chickens that look like them and we were so lucky to find a home. I think ill always love and miss them. Bock bock