We here at Backyard Chicken Project have been encouraging people to use the deep litter method in their chicken coop for years. This method is simply the best chicken coop bedding solution!
Deep litter bedding is clean, healthy for your flock, and a lot less work for you. There’s really no reason not to do it!
After writing our last post on the topic, we were getting lots of questions about how to implement it in specific conditions. Rather than answering each question in the comments, we thought we would put together an FAQ for you right here!
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The Very Best Chicken Coop Bedding: Deep Litter Method FAQ
What is the Deep Litter Method?
This method consists of starting with a few inches of litter on the floor of the coop. As the chickens poop into it, the litter is stirred up and more litter is added on top. The chickens naturally turn the litter by rooting through it. Sometimes they might need a bit of help from you, in which case you’ll turn the litter by pitchfork every few weeks.
Turning the litter helps the beneficial microbes in the coop to turn the bedding nitrogen-rich waste and carbon-rich dry litter into compost.
Read all the important details on our post: Inside the Deep Litter Method We think you’ll quickly agree that it’s the a key element to any chicken coop you design!
Litter? Like cat litter?
No, not like cat litter. Never put cat litter in your chicken coop, sillies!
The word litter in this sense refers to any organic material that is laid down in the bottom of the coop or run. Many people also refer to it as bedding. We recommend using wood shavings as your bedding material because it’s great at absorbing excess moisture and speeds up the composting process.

How often do you turn it? Do you turn all of it or only the top?
We turn our chicken coop bedding once a week, but we have a 18 chickens who happen to be poop machines. If you have a small flock you can get away with turning it only every few weeks.
We turn all the litter, flipping it upside down so the soiled stuff goes underneath and the fresh stuff comes up to the top. After that we put down a layer of pine shavings on top so the chickens have fresh bedding to walk on.
What do you mean it turns into compost?
The nitrogen-rich chicken poop mixes with whatever organic material you choose to use for chicken coop bedding and breaks down into a wonderful compost for the garden. We like to pile this material into the compost pile and let it sit for 6 months to a year before putting it into the garden.
Chicken manure is wonderful for your growing plants, but just to be safe, it pays to let it sit for some time before adding it to the garden. Manure from omnivorous animals like chickens can have harmful bacteria in it when it’s fresh, so waiting really pays off.
How long does the deep litter method take?
This all depends on how many chickens you have, how moist it is in the coop, and how often you turn the litter. We tend to do it for four months at a time and end up with great compost in that time.

Does this work in dry climates? In wet climates?
Deep litter can work in dry climates. But if the litter isn’t breaking down you may need to moisten it a bit with water. It does work great in wet climates, but to keep a good balance, you may need to add more litter than those in dry climates. Wet climates tend to have too much moisture in the coop, which isn’t healthy for your chickens.
You ideally want the litter to have a sort of spongey feel to it, not too wet and not too dry.
What do you do in the winter? Does the chicken bedding freeze?
We continue doing deep litter in the cold winter months, in fact it only gets better in the winter! The deep litter method is great for us in winter because it means we have to spend less time freezing our buns off while cleaning the coop.
It’s also great for the chickens because the breaking down of the litter into compost naturally releases heat into the coop, helping to keep the birds warm. The thick layer of bedding on the floor also adds insulation to the coop.

How does deep litter work in the summer? Does it make the coop hotter?
We haven’t found that doing deep litter in the summer makes the coop any hotter. The litter does break down faster in the summer due to the heat, but it has no ill effects.
How often do you clean out the coop?
We do a total coop clean out three times per year. We do it in the early spring, mid summer, and right before winter hits.
Can my chickens take dust baths in the litter?
Yes, they can and they will! It’s still a good idea to have a separate dusting area available to them at all times, but it’s likely your birds will bathe in the litter as it breaks down.

What can I use for chicken coop bedding/litter?
The very best chicken coop bedding for the deep litter method is pine shavings or straw. They break down quickly and are inexpensive. We’ve also had good luck with mulched leaves and straw. We recommend not to use cedar shavings in the coop as they’re very aromatic and can cause respiratory issues in your flock. Grass clippings also don’t work well because they tend to be too moist and become matted on the coop floor instead of breaking down in to compost.
Can I use deep litter with my ducks?
We don’t suggest using deep litter with ducks. Ducks tend to splash around a lot in the water, which will get their litter way too wet. When the litter is too wet it tends to cause mold and fungus, and can lead to respiratory issues for your flock.
Can I do deep litter in a small coop? What about in a big coop?
You can do deep litter in any size coop, but if you have a very large coop or a barn it may not be worthwhile. You’ll need a thick layer of litter coating the whole floor for the system to work.
If your coop is very large, it may not be economically feasible for you. If you have a small coop, on the other hand, deep litter works great as long as your flock is small as well.

Can I do deep litter if I have a concrete floor? What about a dirt floor or a wood floor?
Deep litter works great on concrete and dirt floors. If your coop floor is made of wood, you may want to first cover it with a Tarp or a layer of vinyl tile.
Due to the wet nature of the deep litter system, it will slowly rot away wood floor boards, so definitely cover the floor if you’re dealing with wood.
Do you do deep litter in the coop or the run, or both?
We do deep litter in the coop only. The run gets so much rain and activity from the chickens that we couldn’t possibly keep up with adding more litter out there several times a week.
We use wood chip mulch in the run, it tends to last longer than straw or shavings. You can buy wood chips in bulk from home stores or you can buy a wood chipper and make your own mulch.

I have a plastic coop, can I still do the deep litter method chicken coop bedding?
Yes, you can do deep litter in a plastic coop!
How do I know if I’m doing it right?
If you’re doing the deep litter method correctly, you’ll see the litter slowly turning to compost over time. It shouldn’t ever smell like ammonia or poop, but rather have a nice earthy smell.
If you consistently have at least a foot deep layer of litter on the floor, and have fresh litter on the top layer, then you’re doing it right.
How do I know if I’m doing it wrong?
If your litter stinks, or it isn’t breaking down into compost then you’re doing it wrong. The litter should never smell bad. If you’re smelling an ammonia odor or chicken droppings, you should be adding more litter and turning the bedding more frequently.
If your litter isn’t breaking down at all, then it’s likely not wet enough or not getting turned frequently enough.
What other tips do I need to know?
One really important factor in deep litter coops is to always have good ventilation so old, stale air can get out and fresh clean air can get in. We like to drill ventilation holes in the walls near the ceiling of the coop for a constant exchange of air.
We also like to give the chickens scratch grains every week, we just sprinkle them on the floor of the coop. This gives the chickens a fun treat, gives them some entertainment so they aren’t getting destructive out of boredom, and it helps the deep litter method because the chickens do some of the turning for you.
It’s a good idea to also get on a schedule for when you’re going to turn the bedding and do deep cleans in the coop. For your chickens health, it’s essential that you take care of the coop on a regular basis and don’t let chicken waste stack up on the top layer of the bedding.
Your schedule will depend entirely on the size of your coop and the number of chickens you have. We turn our bedding and lay down new material every weekend so our chickens always feel fresh and clean. If you only have a few chickens you could probably turn bi-weekly.
I hope this post has given you all a clear idea of how to implement the deep litter method as your chicken coop bedding. If you still have questions, or just want to say hey, feel free to leave a comment below, I love to hear from you!
Monday 22nd of April 2024
How soon after cleaning out my coop can I use the broken down compost?
Saturday 27th of April 2024
We always age any bedding that comes out of the coop for one year before using it in the garden. Even with the deep litter method there will be some fresh poop in the bedding, which is high in nitrogen and can have pathogens in it.
Sunday 31st of March 2024
What about pine pellets cat litter? It's pine and I was thinking it might work well in the Run? I have a bunch I need to use as I changed my cat's litter and have some left over.
Saturday 27th of April 2024
Yes you can use pine pellet cat litter for chickens! My only issue with using it in the run is that it's pretty expensive as far as bedding/litter goes and it would break down pretty quickly in the run and need to be replaced quickly. But it's a perfectly fine solution if that works for you!
Sunday 17th of September 2023
I have a small Producers Pride sentinel coop, 1 ft of deep litter will put the girls within 1 ft of the ceiling! How would I open door to the run? I have 4 silkies and they don't roost. They will sit on a perch during the day, in the run--crazy girls. I have purchased a heat pad for the floor but we use pine shavings in the coop, fire hazard? safe? Please help, 1 winter with chickens..
Thursday 22nd of February 2024
Yes I do personally believe a heat pad on the floor is a fire hazard, your chickens shouldn't need any heat in the coop.
Tuesday 2nd of May 2023
Thanks so much for your educative write up. Is it exactly applicable to piggery?
Rhi Paech
Monday 10th of April 2023
Hi there,
Love your info! Thanks so much 😊 I’m about to start the deep litter method in an old dirty coop with concrete flooring. I want to fully clean it out first. What do u suggest to use that will kill everything bad but will also not hinder the starting of this method. Should I clean it then wait a few days to start? Should I use a cleaning product or vinegar? I think one of my hens is sick too. I have 4 hens Any help would be amazing! Ta Rhi
Monday 1st of May 2023
I would use vinegar to clean with and lay down DE before you start deep litter.