Winter can be a challenging time for backyard chicken keepers. As temperatures drop and snow blankets the ground, it’s essential to ensure the well-being of your feathered friends. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the 8 things you need in order to successfully raise chickens in winter. From keeping them warm to ensuring their …
5 out 5 chicken ladies agree, chickens make fantastic pets! Chickens aren’t just for the farmyard anymore. They can also provide companionship, fresh eggs, and a whole lot of charm. Over the years we’ve raised many different breeds of chickens and found some breeds make fantastic pets, while others just…don’t. Just as with dogs and …
Raising chickens is becoming more popular, and with good reason, it’s a fun hobby with huge benefits! Many people are choosing to raise chickens in urban areas and within city ordinances. While chickens do make great pets with benefits and backyard flocks can be raised even in very small yards, raising chickens within city limits …
If you’re a farmer or homesteader, you know that space and time are very limited commodities. Raising chickens for meat and for eggs usually means you’re raising two separate flocks, one for just meat birds, and another for egg layers, and keeping them in separate pens. This adds up to a whole lot of work …
Winter can be a challenging time for backyard chicken owners. As the temperatures drop and the snow starts to fall, it’s important to ensure that your feathered friends stay cozy and comfortable. Keeping your chickens warm during the colder months is essential for their health and well-being. In this guide, we’ll explore various strategies to …
So, you brought home a batch of baby chicks and now you’re ready for the fun to begin?! One of the MOST fun things about getting new chicks is naming them! We’ve always gotten a kick out of giving our chickens funny names, life is too short not to chuckle every time you’re hanging out …