It’s extremely important to start off your chicken rearing experience with the best livestock you can possibly get. Healthy and happy chicks will turn into healthy and happy hens that will live long lives and provide plenty of delicious eggs for your family. But you may be wondering how to buy chicks that are healthy …
Brooding chicks doesn’t need to be complicated, difficult, or costly. There are a lot of products on the market geared toward chicken keepers, but most of them are unnecessary in the first few weeks of a chicks life. Over many years of trial and error, we’ve found the perfect brooder setup. This setup is so …
Oh, broody hens. Those moody, squawking, biting little balls of joy sitting in the corner of your coop, refusing to move off that clutch of eggs. All your broody hen wants is to hatch chicks, would it be so bad if you let her? Broody hens can be the bane of your chicken-keeping existence, but …
When it comes to hatching eggs you have only two options, put them in an incubator or let a broody hen do the hatching for you. Each option has definite pros and cons, and each chicken keeper has their own preference. There are many differences between hatching eggs using an incubator and using a broody …
Bringing your very own chicks into this world can be fun and exciting, but also incredibly nerve-wracking. It’s very important to do as much research as possible before hatching chicks, whether you’re using a broody hen or an incubator. The very first step in that research is to understand the basics of hatching chicks. Once …
So, chicken fever has hit hard, and you want to expand your flock? The hard part comes when you need to decide, are you going to get a batch of fresh baby chicks, or more mature started pullets? Which is best for you? Every chicken keeper gets to this point, because chickens are just like …