Fancy chickens are so much fun to add to your backyard flock. A pair or two of these unusual breeds can not only make for quite the conversation starter but can be visually stunning and add some quirkiness to your flock. Most of these fancy chicken breeds will be at home in any flock or …
Have you been enchanted by a picture of a basket of colorful eggs and wondered, can those be real? Can eggs come in colors like pink, blue, green, and dark chocolate brown? You may be thinking, is it a magic chicken? Do they feed them a specific type of feed? Are they dyed? The answer …
Orpington chickens are the cuddle chickens of the coop! These fluffy birds are comfortable in the flock, as well as on your lap. Orpingtons have it all: the fluffy look, the eggstraordinary egg production, dual-purpose qualities, and a mothering disposition. We’ve put together a quick and simple breed spotlight so you can get the facts …
Ameraucana chickens come with some confusion in the chicken world. Their name and origin are related to the Araucana chicken breed, yet they look just like Easter Egger chickens. We’re here to clear up all the confusion surrounding this wonderful breed. The Ameraucana is best known for their wonderful blue eggs, and hard to spell …
Are you thinking of taking on chicken keeping but are overwhelmed by the choices of chicken breeds out there? I was too, and after many years of trial and error, have put together a list of the top choices for beginner chicken breeds. The chicken breeds on this list are ideal for anyone stepping into …
Polish chickens are show stoppers! The fabulous head feathers of this chicken are not only unusual but also fun and quirky! While slated as “eye-candy” that is not the only benefit to having these chickens in your flock, their mild manner makes them the perfect choice for children, backyard flocks and 4-Hers to show at …