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We love chickens so much we want to see them in backyards everywhere! One of our biggest missions is to help people to feel more confident raising chickens as ‘pets with benefits.’

We want to help you become the best steward of these little beasts, so we’ve put together a list of resources to help you get there!


The blog is home to all our chicken articles. We’ve covered topics on all things chicken keeping, from picking chicken breeds to protecting your flock from predators. If you’ve got a question, our blog has an answer!

Here are our readers favorite posts of all time:

The Essential List of Chicken Names

100 Things you can feed to chickens

10 Free Chicken Coop Plans

Top Tricks to get rid of flies in the chicken coop

12 Badass chicken coop signs for your gang of chickens


Literally every board on our Pinterest page is dedicated to chickens, from health, to chicken antics, to drool worthy chicken coops. Pinterest is also where we keep all of our blog posts in visual form, follow our BCP Popular Posts Board to find great new content added weekly!

Courses: Coming Soon!

Our next step in our mission to get more chickens into backyards is to start offering courses to teach everything we know to future chicken keepers! These class will be available very soon, so keep your eye out for updates!

Painting Chickens for Beginners:

Coming to you in October 2019, we’ll be teaching you how to paint chickens with watercolors! This free min-course will teach you all about the best watercolor supplies, how to use the wet-on-wet watercolor technique, and how to create values, tones, and color in your painting. This mini-course even includes a free printable chicken flock outline, that you can get right now!

Sign up for notifications about this class and get your free outline here:

Pets with Benefits: Raising Chickens in your Backyard:

Coming to you in February 2020, we’ll be teaching you absolutely everything you could ever need to know to start raising chickens in your backyard. We know exactly how overwhelming it is to take on livestock for the first time, and we’re here to help. This paid course will give you every piece of the puzzle so you can go into this new venture with confidence and joy!

Don’t want to miss a thing? Be sure to subscribe so you’ll be in the know when we release new posts and courses!